
Friday, 7 October, 2016 - 20:00

``The New Minstrels´´ could be any recital. One more of those which fill the neighbourhood of the lyrics, also known as that of the muses, but this group ``Verso a Verso´´ from the UPUA, has a common denominator: the pleasure of poetry.


From all of the found meanings of minstrels, we stick with the one for troubadour, poet, considered so many of the current singer/songwriters. If every person is a nation, as it is said in Joyce´s Ulysses, every one of these minstrels, with more or less convergent ways, ideals, dreams, hopes, fights, can make the holly grow and reign the blackbird, since it is a singing to all that is human.

It could be any recital. One more of those which fill the neighbourhood of the lyrics, also known as that of the muses, but this group ``Verso a Verso´´ from the UPUA, has a common denominator: the pleasure of poetry.

Poetry which from a kaleidoscope of emotions, from the chronological heterogeneity, from the different personalities, from experiences, compromises and different social claims, from universal human sensations, it will try to make the sounds of the soul reach, in order that we all are participants of these declarations of hope, of felt kisses, of needs of meeting, of ignored frets, of desired looks, of shared tears, and a long etc., that you all already know, since we are all made with the same material of the dreams.

``Verso a verso´´ group from the UPUA.



Presenter: Antonio Mula

Coordinator: José Luis Rico

Poetry (Author): Interpreter

To the fireplace´s shore (Joaquín Sabina): Carmen Fernández Bolaños
Life (Lluis Llach): Rafael Torres
Autumn´s Balad (Joan Manuel Serrat): Mari Carmen Sacristán
Magnet of woman (Luis Eduardo Aute): Elvira Pizano
Steps of zero (Pablo Alborán): Conchi Agulló
Curriculum (Joan Manuel Serrat): Rafaela Lillo
The beauty (Luis Eduardo Aute): Miguel Ángel Sánchez
Free I want you (Amancio Prada): Chelo Oñate
The hole where I nest (Ismael Serrano): Mª Dolores Iglesias
Still on the memory (Raimon): Paquita Baeza
Loves that kill (Joaquín Sabina): Pilar Collado
To the dawn (Luis Eduardo Aute): Mati Zamorano
Lucía (Joan Manuel Serrat): Lucía Francisco
Beginning and ending of a Green morning (Pablo Milanés): Mª Feli Serrano
Still a love song (Joaquín Sabina): Nelly Ferreira
Mediterranean (Joan Manuel Serrat): José Luis Rico

Date and Place

October 7 2016 – 20:00h

House of Culture – El Campello Auditorium - Plaza Constitució, 4 03560 - El Campello


Free entry limited to the appraisal of the room




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