International Meeting: University of Cannes – Permanent University

Exchange programme for cultural and linguistic integration
Alicante, June 3rd and 4th 2010
Activity for cultural and linguistic integration coordinated by Juan Gauchi Sendra and with the participation of UPUA students registered in the 2009-10 academic year and members of the  Permanent Seminar, French Conversations at the Town University Venue.
Thursday, June 3rd
   3pm: Reception and welcome by the group of Alicante, directed by professor Gauchi, to the French group, formed by 22 persons at the Marq in order to start at 4pm together the visit of the temporary as well as the permanent exhibition of this museum regarding the archaeological heritage of Alicante
•    Panoramic trip by bus through Alicante and transfer to the hotel for group accommodation.
•    Strategy meeting of the coordinators and preparation of exchange and research projects within the framework of EU Grundtvig projects.

Friday, June 4th
•    9.30am:  Departure from the hotel of the French group for a cultural practical activity in form of  visits of Orihuela and Elche, with the aim to get to know the ethnographic, cultural and architectural heritage of these towns of our province. The paramount objective of this activity is the linguistic and cultural immersion of both university groups. 
o    Visit of Orihuela for discovering the place of birth of the poet Miguel Hernández. Its cultural heritage is of great importance, mainly due to its Episcopal state, from the 16th century. Visit to the cloister of the Santo Domingo convent, Renaissance, and the Gothic cathedral with splendid  grilles of the Renaissance, which are considered to be the best ones of the region.
o    Continuation to Elche, which keeps a very special legacy of the Muslim presence: a great Palmeral. The conquerors from Africa or from the East recreate impeccable gardens, crossed by streams and shadow palm trees, a unique landscape in Europe. The group will visit the priest’s garden, the priest’s orchard, where a thousand palm trees can be found together with Mediterranean trees (citrus fruits, Bougainvillea, orange) and a collection of cactus. Arrival at Alicante to complete the city tour and attend an academic session at the University of Alicante 
•    Return to the Alicante Town University Venue (c/Ramón y Cajal, nº 4) about 5pm in order to attend the lecture, given in French by Catherine de Buzon  about "Les soieries des Califats", as an academic summary of the day and to open a roundtable discussion among the participants.
•    Transfer to the Hotel for having a dinner together with the whole group and farewell.