Exhibition: "Alicante, Brushstrokes for a city"

"Alicante, Brushstrokes for a city"
Directors: Javier Esclapes and Eduardo Berenguer
Painters: Students of Graphic Artistic Expression

Dates: June 9th to July 9th 2010
Place: Transit Hall Aulario II - Campus University of Alicante

Invitación exposición alicante pinceladas

As the final Project of the subject Graphic Artistic Expresión: Acrylic Painting of the Permanent University, this exhibition pretends to be a tribute to Alicante and encourages to search for the numerous aspects which help us to define the town: an architectural detail, a palm tree, a boat or the port. The same way, each painter of this sample has developed techniques studied throughout the year within the subject Acrylic Painting, from the treatment of colours to pointillism and impressionism, as well as naïve art, adapting these to the personal view, along with more classic forms and others inspired by Pop Art and modern forms of imagination.  


Painters: Students of Graphic Artistic Expression

Francisco Baeza Ruiz,
MariaTeresa Berenguer Perez,Cuadro Pinceladas Alicante
Cornelia Fca. Boendermakerde Maagt
María Isabel Finestrat Farach
Manuel Vicente Gascó Más
María del Pilar González Noguera
María Carmen Guerrero Gutiérrez
Julián HuertaMogarra
Pilar Ibáñez Molina
Rita Milagro Ibáñez Molina
Joaquín Mansanet Santacreu
Pascuala Marcos Guardiola
Gabriella Moni
María Dolores Muñoz Díaz,
Emma Orera Gracia
Maria Antonia Pascual Rubio
Rafael Pascual Rubio
Miguel Rueda Davó
Antonio Sáez Huedo
Manuel Sánchez García
María del Carmen Sánchez Melero
Ana María Sebastián Macarrón
Francisco Manuel Serrano Climent,
Maria Pilar Villella Lollo,
Consolación Vizuete Moruno.

Cartel Exposición Alicante Pinceladas