Poetry recital: The poet and his time


Friday, 10 February, 2017 - 20:30

Date and Place

February 10th 2017 – 20:30h
La Marina Town University Venue
Assembly Hall
Puríssima Street, nº 57-59


Poetry, as indicated by Bousoño, "is communication stablished by mere words of a knowledge of special nature. The psychic knowledge as a particular whole, as intuitive synthesis and only of the conceptual, sensorial and affective".

Nonetheless, we believe the poem sometimes imitate and sometimes expresses what occurs in the being´s soul, consists, furthermore, on a more or less evident flowing of conscious changing states through time.

No surprise Herder said that poetry was the mother tongue of humanity and in consequence, a book of poetry is the conclusion of millennia of search.

We believe, honestly, apart from other considerations than the strictly poetic, that today more than ever, we need men and women who propose passion, opening to the fullness of the unknown, who raise us of so much low flight, of so much fullness illusion in a world without horizons nor dreams, who rescue and propose with encouraging firmness the come back to the utopia, daring to build a world, through the word, the poetry, where freedom is possible, since life does not count the steps you have taken, but the footprints you have left.

Antonio Mula Franco


Download the complete programme (PDF)

XV Century – The ephemeral life

The Coplas on The Death of his Father (Jorge Manrique) – Lucía Francisco

XVI Century – From the bucolic to the mystic

Fragment of an Eclogue (Garcilaso de la Vega) – Nelly Ferreira

Verses born of the fire of God´s love it had itself (Santa Teresa de Jesús) – Carmen F. Bolaños

XVII Century – The garden of disillusionment

Day III – Scene XIX – Life is a Dream (Calderón de la Barca) – Antonio Mula

XVIII Century – Didactic of the Reason

Payment that the word gives to the poets (Diego Torres and Villarroel) – Rafaela Lillo

XIX Century– The released passion

Rhymes - IV (Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer) – Miguel Ángel Sánchez

XX Century – The aesthetic of the senses (The Modernism)

Twilight (Manuel Machado) – Pilar Collado

The January Afternoons (Juan Ramón Jiménez) – Conchi Agulló

XX Century – In search of a new identity (Generation of the 98)

Of the ephemeral past (Antonio Machado) – Antonio Mula

XX Century – Sons of Góngora (Generation of the 27)

The body and the soul (Vicente Aleixandre) – Mª Carmen Sacristán

Insomnia (Dámaso Alonso) – Mati Zamorano

XX Century – The Distressed Humanism (Generation of the 50)

To the immense majority (Blas de Otero) – Chelo Oñate

My own prophecy is my memory (José Manuel Caballero Bonald) - Mª Dolores Iglesias

Against Jaime Gil of Biedma (Jaime Gil of Biedma) – Jose Luis Rico

XX Century – The new sensibility (The Newest)

Caprice in Aranjuez (Guillermo Carnero) – Paquita Baeza

Saulo and the birds (Antonio Martínez Sarrión) – Rafael Torres

XX Century – Of the Urban Monologue (Poetry of the Experience)

As every morning (Luis García Montero) – Carmen F. Bolaños

Final Poem

The poetry is a weapon loaded with future (Gabriel Celaya) – Jose Luis Rico

Presenter: Antonio Mula

Coordinator: Jose Luis Rico


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