Exhibition by Joan Subirana. PENSIONERS IN ACTION

March 17 to 30, 2010: Exhibition by Joan Subirana. PENSIONERS IN ACTION.

Comical visions of the daily life.

In collalboration with the Alicante Town University Venue.

Joan Subirana. 
“PENSIONERS IN ACTION. Comical visions of the daily life.”

This exhibition presents a humorous, funny and comical view of the third age. It includes a dozen cartoons of big size, which deal ironically with the old age. The exhibition represents a personal interpretation by the drawer SUBI through the world of comics. On the one hand we can see grandparents playing billiards or petanque and on the other hand, elderly persons in a rock concert, in an amusement park, spraying graffiti… All these scenes and situations have the aim to claim, in a funny and uninhibited way, the comic as an artistic means of expression and communication.
With this exhibition the Permanent University insists within the celebration of its 10th anniversary in one of the objectives of the Diploma Senior programme: training, research and analysis of the stereotypes, anachronistic models and images, which the society of the 21st century remembers or has of our elderly persons and which are present in art and culture.
Technical characteristics: includes 12 original framed paintings of big size: approximately 100x70 each; an informative exhibition panel and two human figures of big size that are part of the exhibition.   


postal subirana


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postal subirana 3

Biographical notes about the author
Joan Subirana (Manresa, 1969), started to draw the stories he invented with Indians and Cowboys. He graduated in Arts and Crafts with the speciality of mural painting and graphic design. He began with comics and paintings, although later on he specialized in children’s illustration. Currently he collaborates in the press and does numerous jobs for different editorials, companies and institutions. His work has been present in diverse exhibitions all over the world.
“Subi” and Anna have published more than 40 books together, among them “The little Dalí and the journey to the dreams”,  “The colours of Africa”, “The secret of the turtle”, “I am the peace”, ... Numerous of these were published in other languages and obtained awards like the CCEI, the Tombatossals for children’s literature or the Parcir. 

Alicante Town University Venue
Avda Ramón Y Cajal nº 4
Place: Miguel Hernández Hall.
Time: from March 17 to 30, 2010.
Visiting hours: 09:00 - 17:00 and 20:00 - 22:00.