
Place: Aulario II

Exhibition of pieces of work PAINTING IN DETAIL, elaborated by students of the subject Graphic Expression and Drawing at the UPUA, directed by Javier Esclapes. The exhibition will take place at the Aulario II in collaboration with the Culture Secretariat.

The inauguration of the exhibition “PAINTING IN DETAIL” will take place on September 16, at 19h. There, the pieces of work made by the students of the subject Graphic Expression and Drawing at the UPUA, directed by Javier Esclapes and in collaboration with the Culture Secretariat, will be shown. It will be accessible from September 8 to October 21 in the Hall of the Aulario II at the University Campus.

Coordinators: Fco. Javier Esclapés Jover and Mercedes Llorens Nicolau
Authors: Students of Artistic Graphic Expression

    Rafael Pascual Rubio; Mª Rosa Azorín Matesanz;
    Eloina Isabel Caballero Sierra; Carmen Guerrero;
    Julián Huerta Mogarra; Hilario Esclapés Pastor;
    Pilar Ibáñez Molina; Mª Antonia Pascual Rubio;
    José Ángel Sogorb Albertus; Gabriella Moni;
    Mª Teresa Berenguer; Manuel Sánchez García;  
    Joaquín Mansanet Santacreu; Trinidad Filiu;  
    Mª Isabel Finestrat Farach; Pedro Pérez Gimeno;
    Vicente Gomis Payá; Rita Milagro Ibáñez Molina.

By remembering a small detail, etched often spontaneously and involuntarily on our memory, our mind is able to give us something back that is stored inside of us. A warm smell, a sweet sound or a simple brushstroke drawn with determination can take us to a huge number of emotions we felt in a concrete moment of our life. Through  the knowledge acquired by the UPUA students of the subject Artistic Graphic Expression this 2008-09 academic year, it was intended  to go beyond the materials, lines, drawing, colours, … training  apart from that the expression of ideas and emotions in the final project. Using fundamentally acrylic, the students of the Permanent University have developed the concepts and skills acquired at developing little details of famous paintings. Will we be able to recognize through these promising artists the intention of the great paintings? Perhaps we can discover sensations, which were absorbed in view of the magnificence of the complete painting, by observing these details.


We invite you all to the opening act, which will take place on September 16, at 19h in the Hall of the Aulario II.


Cartel Exposición La Pintura al Detalle

Portada Carteleta

Descripción de la Exposición

Exhibition of other pieces of work by the same artists in the Hall of Aulario III (next to UPUA Secretary's Office):

Exposición La Manzana del Saber