National Theatre Competition for groups in the framework of University Programmes for Seniors


Cabecera Teatro

The Permanent University of the University of Alicante organizes, within the framework of commemoretive activities of the 10th anniversary, the First National Theatre Competition for groups in the framework of University Programmes for Seniors, which will take place on January 12 to 14, 2010, in the Paraninfo of the University of Alicante. Since this festival counts with a series of interesting plays, we would like to invite you to this event. Admission is free and in the following table you can find the different plays with the corresponding times and synopsis. 

January 12, 2010
20:15 h.
Duration: 80 minutes


ADAMUC Comedians. Senior Student Association. Complutense University. MADRID
Always in autumn
Author: Santiago Moncada
Direction: Mercedes Menéndez
This is the life of three sisters with very different characters, three persons who have gone different ways. Three women who come together again, since, in the autumn of their lives, they have made decisions which will change their exisstence in the future completely.
January 13, 2010
12 :15 h.
Duration: 60 minutes
Theatre group of the Permanent University MILLÁN SANTOS, University of VALLADOLID
Famous short plays
Short play.
Author: Luís Quiñones de Benevente
Direction: José María Echuri
 and Matilde Esteban
“The Mariones”, “The living dead persons”, “The marvelous altarpiece”  are short comical plays. Women with strong character, weak men, jealous brothers, lovers, mayors and credulous sacristans represent an amusing gallery of characters and situations.
January 13, 2010
20:15 h.
Duration: 80 minutes


ARS Theatre group.
University of MURCIA
A return husband
Author: Enrique Jardiel Poncela
Direction: Manolo Ortín
The fidelity and infidelity, promises and marriage, one of Jardiel Poncela's favourite topics, are concentrated in a play that is defined by a series of tangles, meetings and failed meetings, entertaining phantoms and situations.
January 14, 2010
12:15 h.
Duration: 60 minutes


Ponferrada Campus Theatre of Teatro Campus of the University of LEÓN
The wake
Author: Valle Inclán (rewritten and adapted by Manuel Cuenya)
Direction: Manuel Cuenya
A dead woman tells us her own story of suffering, in which she had to support the troubles of life, with a drunk husband, who is a womanizer and player, and gossiping and ghoulish neighbours.
January 14, 2010
20:15 h.
Duration: 60 minutes


Theatre of the Permanent University of the University of ALICANTE
You have eyes of a fatal womanl
Author: Enrique Jardiel Poncela
Direction: Pascual Carbonell
You have eyes of a fatal woman recreates the famous Don Juan myth from an ironic, humourous perspective,  which characterizes a big part of Jardiel's dramatic play.
If you are interested in attending the competition (any of the plays or all of them), you will have to request the reservation of invitations in the UA Culture Secretary, by tel. 965903725 or fax 965909649 or e-mail:, indicating the number of persons who will attend, the address of the centre and the person responsible for the group. The applications will be dealt with according to the order of arrival.