Poetry Musical Recital as a Tribute to Miguel Hernández and Presentation of the National Choral Competition on June 9th and 10th

07/06/2010 19:30
Place: Club INFORMACION , Avda. Doctor Rico, 17, 03000 - Alicante
Time: 7.30pm
Club Información - Homage to Miguel Hernández and Presentation of the National Choral Competition.

Performance of students of the UPUA writing workshops.
Presenta:Concepción Bru Ronda. Head of the UPUA

Poetry Musical Recital as a Tribute to Miguel Hernándezand Presentation of the National Choral Competition on June 9th and 10th

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Within the framework of the 10th anniversary of the Permanent University, which is celebrated in 2009-2010, we aspire to achieve some of the essential aims that have been leading the programme from its very beginning, “creating a university open to all the ages” and “open us to the whole citizenship”, not depending on their place of residence. With this spirit and the active participation of the UPUA students we are approaching the Cocentaina University Venue in order to share knowledge, experiences and culture.
From the UPUA creative writing workshops we would also like to join in the commemoration of 10 years of UPUA history, which coincides with the centenary of birth of Miguel Hernández, a universal poet. Lucky coincidence. Homage to the depth and beauty of the work of this poet from Orihuela and homage to an educational fact of great importance within the educational history in Alicante: the creation of the Permanent University for persons over 50 years of age.
Poetry and knowledge. Artistic creation and educational creation. Another great Spanish poet, J. Ramón Jiménez said that poetry corresponds to a triple thirst: thirst for knowledge, thirst for beauty and thirst for eternity. For the poet, eternity was a synonym of temporal permanence. Perhaps poetry is a one of the deepest and most beautiful forms of knowledge. Miguel Hernández fought with his work and his life for the rights of liberty to create, to think, to know, to be, to exist in peace, for all citizens. Emotional homage to an extraordinary poet and citizen.
The UPUA writing workshops join in these celebrations, due to our love for poetry, with the recital for which we have been preparing at a high level. We invite you to join us in this literary activity and to feel the emotion before the poetic creation, so that the following definition from another universal poet, Antonio Machado, can be fulfilled:



Musical interpretation:
"Cant dels Ocells", Pau Casals
Violoncello and guitar

A TRIBUTE TO POETRY (seven recited sonnets)
Presents: José Baeza Correas

Presents: Carmen Fernández Bolaños

Musical interpretation:
"Rutas" Oscar Esplá
Soprano, violoncello and guitar
"Campos de Soria" (various stanzas), Antonio Machado
Musical interpretation:
"Andaluza" (Spanish dances), Enrique Granados
Violoncello and guitar
"Baladilla de los tres ríos", Federico García Lorca
Musical interpretation:
"Cantares", Joaquín Turina
Soprano and guitar
"Romance de la pena negra", Federico García Lorca


Musical interpretation:
"Sarabanda" (from the Suite Nº 5), J.S. Bach
"Elegía a Ramón Sijé"
"Las nanas de la cebolla" (recital and musical interpretation)
Musical versión by Alberto Cortez and Joan Manuel Serrat
Soprano, violoncello and guitar
"Con tres heridas yo"
Musical interpretation:
"Nana" (Popular songs), Manuel de Falla
Soprano and violoncello
"Vientos del pueblo" (choral recital)
"El hambre" (choral recital)
Musical interpretation: "Bachiana nº 5", H. Villalobos
Soprano, violoncello and guitar
"Vals de los enamorados y unidos para siempre"
Mucial interpretation: "Vals", Shostakovich
Violoncello and guitar


Soprano: Ascensión Padilla
Cellist: Verónica Rubio
Guitarist: J. Carlos López


José Baeza Correas
Francisca Baeza Moñinos
Carmen Fernández Bolaños
Nelly Gladys Ferreira Gutiérrez
Lucía Francisco Yáñez
Mª Emilia Fuentes Larios de Medrano
Mª Dolores Iglesia Ivars
Mª del Carmen Llavador Martínez
Consuelo Merino Hernández
Teodora Molina Alcaide
Consuelo Oñate Díaz
Elvira Pizano Rovira
María Plana Sánchez
José Luis Rico Martín
José Riera Mateo
Miguel Ángel Sánchez Sánchez
Manuel Sánchez Monllor
Rafael Torres Candela


See the complete programme [PDF]

Further information about the Choral Competition

Further information:

Avda. Doctor Rico, 17 – 03000 – Alicante
Tel: 965 98 90 90 Fax: 965 98 91 07
E-mail: informacion.club@epi.es

Universidad Permanente
San Vicente del Raspeig Campus Apdo. Correos 99 - 03080 – Alicante
Tel: +34 965 90 94 54 and +34 965 90 97 93 Fax +34 965 90 98 12


