Poetry Class News


Poetry reading – International Day of Poetry 2016

Eve’s Voice

Through means of this suggestive title we want to pay tribute to the poetry of so many women and this way stop the exclusion that they have suffered throughout literary history, especially poetry. More than ever today we need all these women who transmit their passion working their way into the unknown; women who can regain the power of utopia with hope, creating a world through words, through poetry, where freedom is possible.


Poetry Recital: "THE POET AND HIS TIME"

Date and time: 30th October 2015 at 18:00 h.
Place: Polytechnic University of Alcoy. Alcoy Campus.
"Salón de Grados” Carbonell Building.  Pza. Ferrándiz i Carbonell, s/n.  
03081 - Alcoy (Alicante)

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Antonio Mula


José Luis Rico


XV Century – The ephemeral life


Poetry Reading International Day of Poetry 2015


Poetry, as indicated by Bousoño, “is communication of a special kind of knowledge established by mere words. Psychic knowledge as a particular whole, as a unique and intuitive synthesis of what is conceptual, sensorial and affective.”

Nevertheless, we believe that the poem sometimes imitates and sometimes expresses what occurs in the being’s soul; likewise, it consists in the flow of more or less evident states of consciousness throughout time. Not for nothing Herder said that poetry was the mother tongue of mankind and consequently, a book of poetry is the completion of centuries of search.

We sincerely believe, apart from other non-strictly poetical considerations, that nowadays even more than ever, we need men and women who set out passion, when opening themselves to the peak of the unknown, who lift us from so much low-flying, from so much high hope in a world with no horizons nor dreams, who rescue us and propose the return to utopia with hopeful conviction, daring to build a world through word, through poetry, where freedom is possible, because what matters in life is not the steps you have taken but the footsteps you have left.


Poetry Reading The New Minstrels in Las Cigarreras

“The New Minstrels” could be an ordinary poetry reading. Just another one that fills the district of the letters, known as the one of the muses as well, but this group, “Verse by Verse” of the UPUA, has a common denominator: the pleasure of poetry.


From all the acceptations found for minstrel, we choose the one of troubadour, poet; being considered this way many of our contemporary singer-songwriters. If each person is a nation, just like Joyce says in his Ulysses, each of these new minstrels, with more or less converging paths, ideals, dreams, hopes, struggles, can make the holly grow and rule the blackbird, since it signs to what is human. It could be an ordinary poetry reading. Just another one that fills the district of the letters, known as the one of the muses as well, but this group, “Verse by Verse” of the UPUA, has a common denominator: the pleasure of poetry.
Poetry that, from a kaleidoscope of emotions, from chronological heterogeneity, from diverse personalities, from life lessons, different social commitments and denunciations, from human and universal sensations, will attempt to deliver the sounds of the soul so all of us can be part of those declarations of hope, heartfelt kisses, needs of meeting, ignored grazes, longed glances, shared tears, and a long etc., with which all of you are already familiar since every one of us is made out of the substance as dreams.



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