
Wednesday, 13 March, 2019 - 20:00

Date and place

13 March, 2019 20:00

Alicante Town University Venue – Rafael Altamira Room.

4, Ramón y Cajal Avenue - Alicante


Once again, the group “Verso a verso” (Verse by verse), committed to the International Poetry Day, face a new challenge with this recital, not very common, even if it is still confirmed that the poetry is the mirror where we look at ourselves and the eternal source of hope and human representation.
Metapoetry is a term composed by the Greek prefix meta, meaning “after” or “beyond”, and indicates a change or mutation, something going beyond to or including the idea that complete the word. Therefore, the term metapoetry refers to works where the subject is the very poetry and the author’s relation with the text and public. In this regard, poetry is self-justifying from a more independent point of view than the one of the simple art for art’s sake.
According to metapoets, poetry reflects, widens its own reflective and discursive nature, revealing the origin of the poem. Metapoets agree with Guillermo Carnero when he states that "the practice of metapoetry requires thinking skills about language limitations”.  So, this is why metapoetry is practiced for those who are professionally engaged in some way in Language Sciences.
In conclusion, although it might be repetitive, metapoetry is the fact that poetry explains, justifies and complements itself. Then, a metapoem would be a poem which talks about poetry. To understand the Poetics is vital to know the term, because its only meaning is the essence of the poetry expressed in the poem.

Vídeo of the recital


Galery of pictures


  • ¿Qué es poesía? (Rima XXI) (What is poetry – Rhyme XXI) ........ Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
  • La poesía es un arma cargada de futuro (Poetry is a charged gun of future)......... Gabriel Celaya
  • Decir, hacer (Say, do).............................................. Octavio Paz
  • Arte poética (Poetics)....................................... Vicente Huidobro
  • No perdamos el tiempo (Let us no waste time).............................. Gloria Fuertes
  • El poema (Poem) ................................................ Pedro Salinas
  • La poesía es inútil (Poetry is useless) ............................. Luis García Montero
  • La poesía  (Poetry) ................................................ Pablo Neruda
  • Nacimiento de la palabra (The birth of the Word)............... Carlos Bousoño
  • Yo poeta declaro (I, poet, declare) ................................... Agustín Millares
  • Para qué la poesía (Poetry, what for?.................................. Raquel Lanseros
  • De ayer para hoy (Overnighted) ...................................... Rafael Alberti
  • La poesía está en la sombra (Poetry is in the shade) ...................... León Felipe
  • Poética (Poetics) ................................................. José Luis Rico
  • Escritura (Writing) .................................................. Octavio Paz
  • Esto es el prólogo (fragmento) (This is the pologue – fragment) ........... Federico García Lorca
  • Poética  (Poetics).......................................... Luis García Montero
  • El oficio de poeta (The trade of the poet) ........................ José Agustín Goytisolo
  • Las palabras inútiles (Useless words) ................................ Ángel González
  • Los poetas  (Poets) ....................................... Fernando Quiñones
  • Otro tiempo vendrá distinto a éste (Another time will come different to the present)............... Ángel González
  • Sobre el imposible oficio de escribir (About the imposible trade of the writer).... J.M. Caballero Bonald
  • Vino, primero, pura (She came, first, pure)..........................Juan Ramón Jiménez
  • Poética (Poetics)................................................ Ángel González
  • Un soneto me manda hacer Violante (Instant sonnet) ............... Lope de Vega


Antonio Mula


José Luis Rico


  • Conchi Agulló
  • Paquita Baeza
  • Carmen F. Bolaños
  • Carmina Botella
  • Josep Durá
  • Nelly G. Ferreira
  • Lucía Francisco
  • Mercedes Gómez
  • Mª Dolores Iglesias
  • Antonio Mula
  • Chelo Oñate
  • Elvira Pizano
  • José Luis Rico
  • Mª Carmen Sacristán
  • Miguel Ángel Sánchez
  • Carmen Santisteban
  • Rafael Torres
  • Mati Zamorano



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