Recogida Benéfica de Alimentos Curso 2020-2021

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La Recogida de Alimentos Solidarios se enmarca en el Proyecto "Incubadora de Valores" promovido por la Universidad Permanente, con la participación del Consejo de Estudiantes y en colaboración con el Vicerrectorado de Igualdad, Inclusión y Responsabilidad Social de la Universidad de Alicante.
Os invitamos a participar activamente y esperamos recibir la solidaridad de toda la comunidad universitaria, para ayudar a aquellos colectivos sociales y destinatarios/as finales que vienen hasta nosotros de la mano del CAE, Banco de Alimentos de Alicante, Despensa Solidaria, y Centro Nazaret.


March 2020 food collection campaign

The next food collection campaign for 2019-20 will take place the following 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th of march, as part of the "Incubator of Values" Project, promoted by the Permanent University with the participation of the UA's Student Council and in collaboration with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Social Responsibility, Inclusion and Equality.


Special Christmas Call UA 2019 Food Collection Campaign

The SPECIAL CHRISTMAS CALL: Monthly UA Food Collection Campaign for the 2019-20 academic year will be taking place the following 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th of December. As you know, these are very special dates where we need the involvement of the whole university community.

We invite you to be even more supportive during these special and marked dates with those who need it the most, and to collaborate generously in the food campaign happening during December on: Monday 9th, Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th. This initiative is promoted by the Permanent University's volunteers and comes embedded within the "Incubator of Values" Project. It also relies on the participation and collaboration of the CAE (Student Support Centre), the UA's Student Council as well as the Deputy Vice-chancellorship of Social Responsibility, Inclusion and Equality.


Las Tesmoforias - UPUA Theatre Club

The UPUA Theatre Club will be performing their up to date version of Las Tesmoforias (Thesmophoriazusae) on the 4 June. The play is based on a Greek comedy by Aristophanes that was performed during the Dionysia celebrations in 411 d. C. This play is a parody of some of Euripides’s plays and is based on the amount of power women can achieve when they unite for a common cause.

This year, the UPUA Theatre Club cast is made up of twelve actresses and four actors and their director Elisabeth Sogorb who has used choir music as the foundation of the creation process. 



The next food collection campaign for 2018/19 will take place the following 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th of June, as part of the "Incubator of Values" Project, promoted by the Permanent University with the participation of the UA's Student Council and in collaboration with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Social Responsibility, Inclusion and Equality.

We invite you to participate actively in order to help those social groups and final beneficiaries who the UA is helping, and who reach us through organizations like CAE (Student Support Centre), Alicante's Food Bank, Despensa Solidaria and the Nazaret Centre.



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