- A walk on the Internet: best practice of information literacy - University for Seniors - Huelva University
- Education Research, in TIC, in Learning and in other things of life
- Interactive Generations
- Web Accessibility
- Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas. INTEF
- Campus Senior - CEOMA and Vodafone Foundation
- VitalLink - To improve the quality of life of older persons through the use of ICT
- Technology Training Portal for Seniors. On this website you can find information about how to use new technologies.
- Mentor Classroom
- "Internet in the classroom" Programme
- Educational Virtual Centreentro Virtual de Educación
- Ariadne Foundation. Repositories for learning
- Ciber- volunteers
- Universia
- Leisurematics Addresses
- SENIORLEARNING Project E-Learning platform easy to follow, specifically designed for senior citizens, in the framework of the project SENIORLEARNING supported by the European Commission. Free access to online courses for enabling senior citizens to learn how to use the Internet and benefit from its services. English platform.